Since this marathon mission began in 2012, our joint communities have worked together to create the political will to stop this ill-advised project. This extraordinary effort succeeded because:

Over 500 letters and emails were sent to the County Planning Department, Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors providing important feedback and pushback on the County’s 2012 Initial Scoping Document, 2017 Draft EIR, 2019 Final EIR, 2020 Partial Recirculated Draft EIR and the 2021 Final EIR. THANK YOU!

Hundreds of community members attended Community Meetings at North Cow Creek Elementary and Cow Creek Community Church to learn more, to donate, and to volunteer for research and outreach activities. THANK YOU!

Hundreds of people generously donated to fund our legal effort with Remy Moose Manley and our community outreach activities. Many people generously donated goods and services for our event raffles. Hundreds bought tickets to our Riverfront Playhouse benefits. Many people purchased and posted yard signs and banners in their neighborhoods and distributed flyers to their friends and neighbors to get the word out. THANK YOU!

When it counted our communities showed up and spoke out effectively at two Planning Commission Hearings and the July 21st Board of Supervisors Meeting. THANK YOU!

Many individuals also spoke during Public Comments at the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors to inform and influence them to stop Tierra Robles. THANK YOU!

Special thanks to Mary Rickert, District 3 Supervisor and Patrick Jones, District 4 Supervisor for their full-throated support to stop Tierra Robles. They and their colleagues did their homework and knew the water, wildfire, and gun club issues. Ultimately, they listened to their constituents’ wishes.

Special thanks to Bob Grosch, founder of Boyle Uniting Responsible Neighbors (BURN) for contributing his passion, interest, and intellect for community wildfire evacuation safety. His extraordinary synthesis of wildfire research and best practices, County fire regulations and policies, contributed to two impactful slideshow presentations at the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.

Special thanks to David Coxey, General Manager of the Bella Vista Water District who provided valuable and impactful presentations to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors meetings. His ability to demystifying the complexities of water for PATROL throughout this long process was invaluable. We appreciate his transparency in answering the tough questions about water and Tierra Robles.

Special thanks to Sabrina Teller, Managing Senior Partner at Remy Moose Manley for taking Patrol on as a client; for working diligently to use our local knowledge about water, wildfire and wildfire evacuation, zoning and HOA issues to create a legal foundation of CEQA deficiencies and inadequacies on which to build a legal, moral and political case to stop Tierra Robles.

Thanks to Susan at the Cedar Tree Restaurant for getting the word out on her electronic message board. Also, thank you to North Cow Creek Elementary School for use of their gym for community meetings and Fratelli’s Pizza for our fundraisers.

Finally, the community should know that a dedicated Steering Committee has been diligently and effectively working to stop Tierra Robles since 2012. Whether on the Committee continually or for a shorter time, the following individuals made a huge difference in crossing the finish line as winners through their research and writing, event production, financial generosity and guidance (in alphabetical order):

Laura Baldwin, Debbie Bazan, Kathy Creasey, Jim Griffith, Josh Hage, Daniel Hoer, Sara Hoxie, Sandy Kotch, Jason Luther, Nancy Main, Terri Marchesseault, Mike Moffat, Dave and Tonia Munro, Brad Seiser, Jean Sturm, Scott Tikalsky, David Waters, and Vickie Wolf.

Before making any further decisions about the future of PATROL, we are going to let the dust settle, take a breather and we’ll be back to you at a later date.

Thank you again for all your support, generosity and committed interest in achieving this wonderful outcome for our rural community.